Thursday, January 21, 2016

quantum entanglement has no "speed"("양자 얽힘"에 대한 아인슈타인의 몰이해 )

A sister-blog to
"The Animation Book of Aesop Looks
That Can Be Read Upside Down Too"

"거꾸로도 읽는 책ㅡ거꾸로 된 그림으로도 말하는 셰계 최초 유일의 책"의
자매(姉妹) 블로그

In 1927 one of the most famous scientific meetings in all of history was held and it was owing to a disagreement between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. Were electron, light, and similar entities waves or particles? Who's wrong? No one has answered so far. 

It's Einstein! This is the decision of the law of Trinity. It is because Bohr believed in 'duality as unity' of the law of Trinity, while Einstein denied it. Our universe is not a mysterious place. It has been governed and maintained by this plainly-revealed law of Trinity. 

The complementarity principle, however, is not perfect, nor the yin/yang philosophy, as they do not tell us that one is begotten by the other. This is the very core of the Law, for it explains the 'duality as unity', namely, 'Oneness' as spoken by the Last Adam Jesus Christ. "Quantum Entanglement" is none other than this expression of "Duality as Unity".

They say that while scientists now have the best proof that quantum entanglement does occur, no one has been able to explain the why. It just operates the 'unity as duality' of the law of Trinity. This is the reason why pairs of sub-atomic particles can be invisibly connected in a way that transcends, as they say, "time and space" and "no matter how far apart they are, the state of one particle influences the state of the other".

So the instantaneousness of entanglement does not have any 'speed' at all. It does not break any laws of relativity.'Oneness' of the two particles facilitates it. Hence the theory of relativity in the line of 'Light is the fastest thing, there is nothing faster' is not touched by the entanglement. The term of "Supersymmetry", in a sense, may fit in with the 'duality as unity' or "unity as duality".

Niels Bohr(1885-1962) was one of the greatest physicists of the 20’th century. He must have been inspired by the yin/yang philosophy. In 1947, King of Denmark Frederick IX announced that he was conferring the Order of the Elephant on Bohr. Bohr designed his own coat of arms which featured a symbol of yin and yang and a motto in Latin: contraria sunt complementa, “opposites are complementary.”


The Great Dragon Moving
at Full Speed 
(Google Earth)

[Rev.12:9]   And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent(Gen. 3:1-14), called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
[Rev.20:2]   And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years

This scene was caught on 20, May in 2008
(continued on next post)

이 사진은 용 곧 사탄이 천사들과의 우주 전쟁에서 대패하여(계 12:7-9) 영원히 지상으로 쫓겨 내려온 날이 되는 1908년 6월 30일 오전 7시 경 바이칼 호수를 지나갔다던 사실을 상기하면서 구글 어스를 통해  바이칼 호수를 찾던 중 발견된 것으로서 지금까지 세상에 공개한 적이 없는 세상 그 어디에서도 다시 볼 수 없는 장면. 기회를 보다가 오늘에야 공개하게 되는 것이다. 저작권이 구글에게 있어 언제든 계속 게재할 성질의 것은 못되므로 필요하다 싶으시면 각자 자기 컴퓨터에 복사해두시도록. 지금 구글 어스에 나오는 대로의 바이칼 호수 위에는 이런 모양이 나타나져 있지 않다. 구글이 새로 촬영하여 올려놓았기 때문이다. 용의 실물 사진이 찍히기는 아래 NASA 사진과 더불어 두번 째이다.

이 사진을 여러 모로 확대, 조절해 본 것이 아래와 같다.

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